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She-E-O: Virtual Digital Queen LLC

An Impact-Focused Business Changing The World One Woman At A Time


  • Learn from incredible women from all over the world who are creating amazing legacies by building propose driven businesses. The purpose of life is to find your gift and the meaning of life is to share it. Share the stage with your gift too.


  • Your voice is the spark that ignites change, so boldly tell your story and shutter the silence. Unleash your truth because someone is waiting to hear it and get their healing, encouragement and inspiration from it. Your story is your business blueprint. Do not take it to the gave because it has the power not only to transform, but to give life.


  • I find the greatest physical & digital products and resources to share with you.  We cannot all create the great products that are out there,  so when we see products we love that others are selling we partner with them to promote them. As an affiliate I pride myself in only sharing the best products out there that are current. useful and well priced.


  • Everyone needs someone who guides them to and holds their hand as they make their way to the top. Above all a listening ear, encouraging, inspiring and supportive words go a long way in building up the whole woman. The true impact is measured by how you make them feel.


  • The convenience of shopping on-line is unprecedented. This is a business model I absolutely love and enjoy. I am thrilled to share it with you, so you can shop conveniently in the comfort of your home or home office while sipping a cup of coffee, tea or latte. This is indeed the good life.

  • Empowered to Empower Women LLC

  • Giving back by uplifting the lives of disadvantaged women and helping them to become productive members of their families through education and Business. Every business project or enterprise should start with the purpose/impact in mind. Everything else will fall into place like clockwork! We make a living by what we get and we make a life by what we give. Your why is your wingspan of your impact. Never miss an opportunity to make a difference. Do it before, during and after you receive abundance because it is not only about money.  


I Am The Virtual Digital Queen And I love The Digital Life Because It Gives Me Freedom Both Financially and Logistically

Success is available to everyone. The mindset is the elephant in the room.

True success comes when you take the time to learn a new skill or trade, implement your knowledge and start earning.
Those are the basic simple steps but what stands between you and success is your mindset!
Building wealth begins with bridging the gap between income and insight.

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Mastering Technology is where the rubber meets the road

The right tools can take you far very fast, The wrong tools can confuse, stagnate slow you down. Let the experts teach you how to get ahead fast,

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Freedom comes when you set your own schedule and live on your own terms.

Real wealth is not determined by the amount of money you make but by the moments that money cannot buy.
Freedom to travel and to "work" anywhere in the world is the 

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Someone Is Waiting To Hear Your Story

I always thought my story was ordinary because I had told it so many times. To me it was just a story. Many years later I realized that I was very wrong about my story. Not only was it unique, but it had incredible power to inspire encourage motivate others. It was not just a story, but a testimony of strength,  resilience and sheer determination. 
Every single one of us has a story and that story is waiting to be told. It will transform lives in unimaginable ways. It happened the way it happened for a purpose and that purpose Is way bigger than you. 
Share your story, connect with sisters
Your Experiences matter so share them with pride,
Do not hold back. It's time to unleash your story to the world with all it's pent-up potential.

More about me

Someone Is Waiting To Read Your Book

Conscious Caring Women Who Make A Difference

In this section describe the type of problem. Who faces it usually. What are the symptoms, and what kind of precautions you can take. And finally describe why is your clinic the best to treat this problem. Tell them about some proven track record thConcious 

Find Your Purpose & You Will Find Your Rainbow

It does not matter how much money you make or how successful you become. What matters is how much impact you make in this world while you are alive. We are all called to serve, It is a calling that is bigger than us. It is about changing the world one life at a time!

Everything starts with purpose

You are born to lead. You have the leadership skills in you already. They are built in. It is up to you to unleash the greatness that is inside you and lead with purpose. Your destiny is waiting for you to step into it. The world is waiting for you to help them step into theirs. Such is your power help others rise from adversity and soar to greatness!

My True Life Purpose

It is not how much wealth you accumulate or how long you live that matters, but what difference you made with the money and the impact you made in this world that counts-Kate Chambati

A well deserved cup of tea in the village 

Everyone has a purpose, A reason they are here. This is mine. It is my true life purpose. Changing lives. Impacting people from all different walks of life. The impact is definitely 2-way. I receive as much as I give This is me having a refreshing cup of tea in the village. The clean crisp morning air is always full of promise. Nature's way of showing love.


Food drive day for all the people in the village

Food give away event. This is always heartwarming. People coming together to receive but taking the time to catch up and interact with each other, Friends and family who have not seen each other for months stand around chatting and catching up.
An incredible picture of love and hope.


The adults were the first to get rabbits

The rabbit project was one of the many project we did in the villages. It was simple and straight-forward. Very fast multiplication due to multiple births. The rabbits are good for food, and income when sold. Giving back does not have to be complicated or expensive. Look at all those happy and hopeful faces.


Stationery Distribution Day

The beginning of each school term sees some parents running around to buy stationery for their children. It seems like a very simple thing but most of these families cannot afford even the simplest and cheapest things, What you see in this picture are writing books, paper and plastic covers. These are an essential part of the stationery requirements for every child.


School Uniform Distribution Day

In this picture parents have accompanied their children to a  designated meeting place to receive their new uniforms. Many children have very old and torn uniforms so buying them 2 sets of uniforms each is a very big deal, It makes a huge difference to all of them. It restores their dignity and confidence.  


School Kids Received Their Own Rabbits

The rabbit project was even more popular with the kids, They had never been given an opportunity to do any kind of money making ventures. Having the rabbits made them feel like real entrepreneurs. They took very good care of them after school. They fed and cleaned up after them.  Eventually they would sell, trade them in for food, shoes , blankets goats or chickens.


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